What are we?

We are an holistic center of retreats and activities in Nature.
A space for health and well-being education.
We are established in a farm in the middle of nature and we are also an internet platform.
We offer different individualized and group proposals, guided by ourselves and/or collaborators.
What is our Mission?

Our mission is to improve the well-being of human beings as an individual and as a collective, by achieving balance and harmony with themselves and the environment.

What is our Vision?

We are a life project in constant experiential learning, evolution and growth. We are in symbiosis with our natural and social environment and we have an holistic vision of the development and existence of human beings. And we also want to be a reference and inspirational model for the world of the 21st century, promoting positive values, quality of life and healthy for human beings and their environment.

What are our Values?

We promote 'respect for oneself', through self-knowledge, self-responsibility and presence, living healthily, with balance and coherence in thought, word and action. And we promote 'Respect for Nature', as an extension to this respect for oneself, through a more sustainable, conscious and in tune with our planet Earth.

We use Creativity continuously to develop our mission and be able to offer original solutions and innovations to a world with profound and constant changes and challenges.

The Service
The Service is first understood as a service to our own, such as self-esteem, self-assessment and self-respect in order to be focused, balanced and in peace. And, from there, to be able to be at the service to others, as a way of life, spontaneously, empathetically, close and collaborative.

We consider that Responsibility is the only way to achieve personal and true freedom, being aware that the consequences of our behaviors do not affect the permanence of human beings on our planet. As forms of responsibility we promote self-knowledge, independence, self reliance and self-sustaining, self-construction, food sovereignty, free education, …

Here we propose Holism as a value because we understand that it is a concept that shows how life is manifest and is the best way in which human beings can understand and face existence. Everything is more than the sum of the parts and everything is related, conditioned and connected to each other and in synchrony.

We promote Freedom as an essential basis to reach the full realization of human beings, from respect, creativity, service and responsability.

We aspire to Love as the ultimate end and at the same time the capital, which encompasses everything and what, without it, nothing makes sense. Love towards oneself, self-knowledge and appreciation, care, respect, service… and Love without conditions towards others, towards any form of life and towards the environment, and, by extension, the Earth that welcomes us. Love of Life!

How do we achieve our mission and vision?

With our farm
We use our farm, which is like a living being in constant evolution, as a permanent laboratory where we experience the techniques and methodologies that we apply to improve our quality of life and harmony with nature.

With the doors open
We offer open days to publicize and show our reality and evolution as a showcase and model of something possible for anyone.

With face-to-face activities
We offer activities, training, courses and experiential and face-to-face workshops of our own content, related to health, personal growth, ecology, sustainability and art.

With on-line activities
We offer activities, trainings, courses and online workshops with our own content offered through this and other internet platforms.

With the rental of space
We rent our space to receive activities, training, courses and workshops related to our project.

With external work
We carry out work and external consultations in related events, spaces and centres, offering our skills and resources.

In short, we offer, to promote and disseminate models, techniques and knowledge of what we are already experiencing and that is working for us to be happy and feel realized in this life.